Ames, IA – 2003 International Competition

This Landmark proposal is envisioned as a framework – as the framework for a future icon for the city of Ames. The tower portion is a highly visible yet incomplete structure that will support, embrace, or spatially relate to some future symbol(s) which will define and promote the city and/or region for the rest of the world. This framework could literally support a future The Victory of Samothrace-equivalent to Ame’s agricultural prowess or enclose some shining (or digitally sophisticated) jewel that relates to a potential leading position in biotechnologies. Conversely, it could stand as a centerpiece to other future, separate monuments dedicated to all the primary aspects that will invariably define the city and immediate environs (the vertical piers, though visually centralized, are inherently directional).

This Landmark proposal IS about the future. This conception includes two components. The tower, as a framework for some incipient creation(s), will pierce the horizon as witnessed from the surrounding highways and serve as a dramatic backdrop for the adjacent local buildings, streets and open space. The horizontal construction is scaled to visually interact with the local streets, primarily Main Street and the park. This component includes two functions. Facing west, the “Community board” will directly engage the Main Street pedestrian and the citizen cruising by with day-to-day information (i.e. notice that a local high school has won yet another state championship or the display of election results). This board may function via the latest technological screen system or simply as a series of slots for sign panels that can manually be replaced as necessary. Behind the “Community Board” will be a memorial space. This would include permanent plaques in remembrance of past events and people. A portion may memorialize war casualties; another might be dedicated to a late political figure or philanthropist of importance. The space would be experienced by a bridge / walkway which terminates within the park (via a monumental stair to be designed by a local artist).

The horizontal piece with its temporal “Community Board” and the permanent memorial space represents the aspects and attributes that go into defining the city. In a conceptual sense this portion will feed the tower. The historical and the everyday are the ultimate base from which the future will spring and, therefore, from which the ultimate vision for the Landmark will be articulated.

This Landmark proposal envisions a thoughtful evaluation of what symbol(s) are appropriate to Ames – what iconographical statement Ames wants to present to the world.